Cleaning, Sealing and Staining is our business!

Cleaning, Sealing and Staining is our business!


Interlock cleaners are so effective that it is possible to clean oil stains off your driveways, walkways and patios. With the use of heavy duty cleaning products, you can say goodbye to your stained interlock. It is however recommended that such grease and oil stains be attended to as soon as possible, for the longer they are left, the deeper the stains will penetrate into your interlock.


Efflorescence is the white chalky residue that can build up on your interlocks surface over time. It is caused by the natural salts that occur in the materials used to produce interlock.

With the use of various concentrated cleaners, such efflorescence can be removed from your interlock. This will rejuvenate the color and appearance of your surface.

Rust Stains

Rust stains on your interlock surfaces can also be cleaned with the use of hydrochloric acid solutions.

Moss and Algae

We can also remove moss and algae that can sometimes grow on your interlock areas, particularly if they are in shaded areas or covered by trees all of the time.

Clean Before You Seal!

It is important to note that interlock must be cleaned before we can apply a sealer. This is recommended because sealing an already clean surface, means much better end results.


BEFORE                                                        AFTER

The driveway to your home is the first sight a visitor is greeted with when visiting you. Call Active Pavement Seal and with our professional and efficient cleaning and sealing service, the first impression you will make will be a good one !